Ken Yeang is a current principle architect at Llewellyn Davis Yeang Architects which is located in London as well as being a principle architect at TR Hamzah & Yeang in Malaysia. Born in 1948 Yeang grew up in Penang Malaysia until the age of 14 when his parents moved to England. Yeang completed secondary school and continued straight onto university in 1966 when he began his architectural education at the Architectural Association in London. He graduated from the AA in 1971 before beginning a PhD at Cambridge University which he completed in 1975. Before completing his Phd Yeang began his first architectural practice in 19674 at the age of 26.
As a large part of his practice Yeang embraced his inquisitive nature and continued research that began or that was raised within his PhD. This research is then compiled into a range of books, publications and readings; and most importantly it is employed within the design side of his practice. The area of interest that Yeang explores most often is Ecodesign, and this is reflected greatly within his work.
Unsurprisingly it was a research project which promted the creation of Yeangs Lond Prcatice Llewelyn Davis Yeang Architects in 1960. The firm developed a as leading practitioners wihtin the industry from a basses of in-depth understanding of the current social, demographic, economic and other trends, as well anr ability to predict future trends, that determine the commerical viability of built environments gives our clients a distinct competitive advantage.
Above: Publications
Good design has a simplicity and clarity which often belies the intelligence of the solution. This same approach underpins our belief that good design creates value.
Fundamental to this is the belief that good design comes from the following:
Understanding our client's needs;
Involving our client in major decisions;
Responding appropriately to a project's tangible and intangible context;
Considering the project's long-term viability and contribution to society;
Respecting our limited natural resources.
Providing inspiring, innovative and sustainable solutions to complex challenges is what drives us each and every day.
We have developed a clear approach to planning and design, which continues to prove successful project after project.
This approach is founded on the following principles:
Having an understandable route map of the project journey which all can agree and work to.
Listening to our client and team participation in identifying the project objectives.
Not having pre-conceived solutions but exploring all of the optionsthrough workshops with our client.
Being open and honest with all team members.
As a team having a structured approach to reviewing the options in order to arrive at the preferred solution.
Ensuring that during design development, all issues are addressed includingcost, value, risk, sustainability and life cycle cost.